I am 34 and I'm going back to college in a move to formalize my long-term calling to seek. I'm quitting my job to get my second bachelor's. This first was in English and Creative Writing. Then I earned a Masters of Science in Library Science. After June 2011, I'll no longer be a librarian. I'll officially (to my mind) be a seeker, taking classes towards a degree in Philosophy with a concentration in Religion. I plan on using at least the next year to read, read, and read, to write, meet new people, ask questions, have discussions and explore. I'll pray for God, the Divine within and around us all, whatever creative force it is that have a sneaking suspicion unifies all life, to help me discern my calling, so that at the end of the time needed to attain this second B.A., I'll be ready to take the next step.
My best friend is an atheist. My seeking 'history' includes experience in Baptist, liberal Episcopalian, Jehovah's Witnesses, Quaker, and Unitarian Universalist worship services. My personal practice has mainly involved yoga, meditative and contemplative prayer, japa mala meditation, and pranayama (which is a breathing practice, but I find it useful as meditation, too). In addition, I've read widely, from Margot Adler's Drawing Down the Moon to Gulley & Mulholland's If Grace is True to Stephen Cole's wise books on Yoga and how we live our lives. But I never fool myself into thinking I've read enough. I have so many books to read sitting on my shelves. And new ones I've never met.
I hope to use this blog as a means to introduce new materials to fellow seekers; to create a safe space for exploration and discussion about our hard-to-answer questions about life; to force us to seriously consider LOVE as something more than a Valentine's Day trinket. Love is the Greening.